So I am a bit of a Linux noob, trying to get my head around how it all works. I have got a nice install of Ubuntu going, updated the kernel to 4.18 and using the latest Nvidia drivers.
I am not sure what thing I actually did to cause it but now when I restart or shutdown the system takes ages to complete, it’s like it’s just hanging there waiting for something.
I pressed esc and then Ctrl+Alt+F1 to bring up the console and the attached image is what I am seeing.
Does anyone know what is happening or can give me some advice on where to look for the issue?
ıf u run ryzen system with latest agesa bios try to downgrade bios. There is a bug in new agesa code that cause ryzen systems to shutdown, reboot properly.
Thanks for the replys, I played around last night and decided to try just going back to the standard Ubuntu Kernel and that seems to have solved the issue. Looks like 4.18 doesn’t like my Ubuntu install for some reason.
I get logout hangs in 18.04 on some older machines. I stop the process ctrl+c which leaves me at the command line. Then I type ‘logout’ and the system completes suddenly. That or ‘reboot’. Not sure what’s going on.