uBlock Origin or uMatrix?

So I have used both uBlock Origin and uMatrix with all filters on, and it works, but I was just wondering if this is the best way to do it? Or is it enough to just use uMatrix as I can exactly see what is blocked and what is not? If I unblock something with uMatrix, then uBlock doesn't block it either.

I have both on as well. Never had an issue. I use the thinking that if one fails, umatrix does crash on me every now and then, the other will continue working until I can get it all back running.

uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger

Edit: Excellent Firefox Privacy Add-ons
Check out the link.
Good site.


I use uBlock and Ghostery. If one doesn't have it the other one does.

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Same here. Works great for me

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Thanks for the link. Saved.

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