With as much money and people employed as they have, there is no possible way that they aren't aware that everyone in the pc world is fed up with them by this point. They are constantly pointing fingers, make excuses, can't seem to do anything right. They said that 30 fps is superior to 60 fps for action games, so they shouldn't be responsible for hitting 60 fps. They said that resolution doesn't matter, so they shouldn't be responsible for hitting 1080p. They said that AC: Unity needed massive requirements to run when it is just poorly coded. They are blaming AMD for their own incompetency now.
They are a horrible company, and then they complain about people pirating their games. They should be seeing that as a kind of boycott (though piracy is typically due to not wanting DRM, a distribution problem, or people who simply can't afford to pay). After all the stunts they've puled with Watch_Dogs, AC: Unity, and Far Cry 4, after all the flak that they have given pc gamers, you're damn right they don't want to pay for the games. Why would they want to? This is just ludicrous.
EDIT: What makes this latest development so much worse is that the problem with the draw calls on pc COULD BE FIXED......... with Mantle. So yeah. Good job Ubisoft on screwing that pooch.
EDIT 2: They backtracked on what they said. Originally, they clearly said that the issues on pc were AMD specific.
"We are aware that the graphics performance of Assassin’s Creed Unity on PC may be adversely affected by certain AMD CPU and GPU configurations. This should not affect the vast majority of PC players, but rest assured that AMD and Ubisoft are continuing to work together closely to resolve the issue, and will provide more information as soon as it is available."
Now, however, they are acknowledging that it isn't AMD specific. I am guessing that they realized that what they said sounded dumb as hell.
"As previously reported on the Assassin’s Creed Live Updates Blog, our team is furiously working to resolve bugs and performance issues for Assassin’s Creed Unity on all platforms. On PC, some media outlets have misinterpreted a forum post indicating that we were working on resolving issues that were AMD-specific. We apologize for any confusion and want to be clear that we are working with all of our hardware partners to address known issues that exist across various PC configurations. We care deeply about a smooth and enjoyable Assassin’s Creed experience and we will continue to update customers as these issues are fixed via the AC Live Updates Blog."