Two Storage Drive setup

Two harddrives on linux
So I am fairly new to linux and decided to reformat my entire PC. This gives me enough space on my SSD for a boot partition for linux.

The issue is how can I setup linux to boot (and some application that run on startup) on the SDD and the rest elsewhere?

I plan to use arch.

You mean like files? I would mount the drive and then sym link the home directory to the drive mount location

I mean like the system being on the SSD and all my files, applications, etc on my HDD

I don't think you need to use a symlink, you can just mount the non boot drive at /home, just set it as an entry in /etc/fstab. However the applications is not stored and should not be stored in your home folder.

In other words, all your applications will be on the boot drive. I am not sure how to fix that, you could mount have /usr on a seperate drive but that will still contain some of the stuff that is run on startup and required to boot the system. One possibility could be to make /usr and /etc directories on the secondary drive and then install all the packages you want there using the --root (-r) flag with pacman. The problem with this is that the applications still would look for config files etc. in the root file system (e.g. /etc and not /media/secondary/etc)

Since you will use arch I feel like it shouldn't be that hard to accomplish or at least not impossible.

I found a good ask ubuntu answer about this.

This is defiantly helpful, I'll just run it on my HDD only then