I'm looking to get into pc gaming so i'm trying to find a solid build for the price and not just a random list of parts.I'm going for more of a AMD build. I already have two base builds that need to be upgraded since there from last year. So feel free to pick one of these builds and upgrade the parts. I am still looking for a system that would be very upgradable in the future, Main games : Arma series , CS GO , GMOD.
Build One :http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Triqkster/saved/pJZ2FT
Build Two :http://pcpartpicker.com/p/X9gjvK
For budget it's about 415$ Max (As in I cannot exceed this price)
D't include the monitor , mouse or keyboard. Thanks :D
So you already own / have access to those two pc's, or are you talking about parts lists that were made last year ?
If you need a new build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/wmNWjX . $413, but it includes a lot of rebates. The psu is a bit "meh" for the build.
With $420 you get a few more watts & amps http://pcpartpicker.com/p/HQwjsY
I'm just talking about the parts list since this is going to be for my build.
Changed the harddrive since I do have a spare : http://pcpartpicker.com/parts/partlist/
It also says that you need a 500+ watt to run the HIS Radeon R9 270 2GB IceQ X² Card is that true or is a 430 just fine ?
Also I was looking for the base total to be in my price range because I don't think a mail and rebate will work with all of them . ( Hardly do them)
I'm trying to find the best build for my budget. IF you could included a estimated fps on games including Arma 2 , CS:GO , Crysis I would really appreciate it.
430w is plenty with the 760k and 860k
That's the link you need to copy. It is automatically modified each time you change a part.
I went ahead and tweaked it a bit I also changed the case since I'm looking for a not so big case. I think it's pretty good.
Also would you say this build would have a lot of upgrade room.
This part list is private.