Turntable headphones

Hello there,

I was wondering if anyone could reccomend a good pair of headphones for use with a turntable. 

I do like listening to some old records from time to time but since I do not want to bother my roommates at night I wonder if there are any headphones that are particularly good with LPs.

I have a couple of beyerdynamic DT770 prowhich I use for any PC music listening but since I don't know much about audio I wonder if those are good for use with vinyl.


Cheers guys(girls)

*taking a sip* 

I say they should be fine. You could buy new headphones for the hell of it, but I wouldn't think that it would make that much of a difference vinyl or computer unless you are going to be changing genres as well. That said, if you don't have a dac/amp, you might want to look into getting one instead of getting new headphones. But at the end of the day, if you are happy with what you have, there is no reason to bother spending any more money.

i allways used pioneers with my mixer, but i suppose that your current headphones will be fine aswell.

thanks. I guess I will stick with them being a student and all :)

They are the most comfortable headphones ever.

I have my turntable plugged into my AMP with an optical cable since they are next to my TV and power cables and all of that. And then I just use the big Aux out in the front of the AMP.

I have heard that the 770s are "audio neutral" or whatever you want to call them not over amplifying any low-mid-high tones. Just wondering if that's the best for guitar heavy rock music which I listen mostly to

The dt770s are not neutral. I like to use the HD800 as a reference for neutral (they aren't perfectly neutral, but that is my go-to). You can see that there is a lot of disparity there. Some dips in the lows, some dips in the highs, and an overall V shaped sound signature. These are "fun" sounding headphones, which I have often heard people use for electronic music.

If you want something that is good for rock, you could look at Grado. They are supposed to be great for rock. Another option is the Q701 which I personally love for rock/metal. The thing about rock is that it can sound good with most sound signatures so long as they can do it well. If they aren't fast enough, if the bass is bloated, if the highs aren't present, or are too present, then it will sound bad, but that is just the basics for headphones in general. As far as closed headphones that are good for rock, the HP100 is a good option imo which can do rock well. I would have to have a price range in order to get you some more suggestions though.