Trying to turn a profit, cheap PC

I'm trying to work out the cheapest build I can make that would run games well and maybe sell for a good price.

I already have a build in mind for around £455 but was wondering if anyone knew if I could make it cheaper while keeping it's good performance (for the price). Also I'm buying from

Here are the current specs:

Case - = £29.98

Processor - = £79.98

Motherboard - = £39.98

RAM (8gb) - £26.99

PSU (500 watt) - = £44.99

Optical drive - = £8.69

GPU - = £89.99

HDD (1TB) - =£60

Windows 7 - £75

TOTAL = £455


I know I could go cheaper with the HDD but for the extra £10 I thought having 1TB would make the build more appealing if I were to sell it after.

Anyway please help me, thanks.

i wouldnt try getting into the computer building business. First off their is a ton of competition, secondly the competition usely can buy OS in bulk and there for get them for a lot cheaper than most other people, and finally they also can usely provide warranties which home builders can offer but may losing money in the end. the only way you could maybe make some money is either if a friend is willing to pay u a little to build a computer for him or to build a computer expensive enough that it surpasses wat other companies can sell in a profitable scope.


now if u are building it for yourself  i would say the build would be able to do light-to-medium gaming

Oh this was only gonna be a one off thing and there was a chance I wouldn't sell it even after it's finished, just incase I decided to sell it I was going to try to make some profit, I'm not trying to get into the building business, I just have a few friends who are getting interested in the whole 'pc gaming' thing and asking me about it.

yah i used the term "pc building business" kinda broadly, but as i said for personal use it would be fine, however in my opinion the only way to profit would be to build it for a friend willing to pay u a little for services rendered. if u sell it after using it for a while most people would be lucky to break even.

basically wat im saying is dont expect a moderate amount of profit from building

a pc is not a good investment , like cars and mobile phones, they loose their value pretty quick so just build the computer you want and use it for as long you can live with the performance it has :)