Hey all, recently I've been looking for a new monitor. I'd like this new monitor to be a step up from the one I'm using now, just a average acer. I've been looking at one of the x-stars since 1440p appeals to me, but I've also been looking at the Asus PA248Q, which I like for the IPS display as well as the 16:10 ratio. The only other monitor I've looked at is a bit more expensive, but I've also been eyeing the monoprice 4k monitor, but I'm leaning towards one of the first 2. Eventually I hope to have an eyefinity setup, and the main purpose of the screen will be gaming, web browsing, general computing, and possibly coding (looking at a Computer Science major), but I would really appreciate good colors, even if that means sacrificing some response time. Are the extra pixels on the X-star worth it? Or is the panel and 16:10 ratio on the asus a better decision?
Go with the X-star if you're going to do an eyefinity setup. 3 4k monitors will be a push for graphics cards for probably the next few years.
I'd only go with the PA248Q if you were doing professional art/design/video/photography work. If you really wanted 16:10, have a look to see if there are any Korean 2560x1600 monitors. I'd have thought they would exist because I think an old 27" iMac used that res.