Hey all, first time back since the split, still loving it. I know i have asked before (like years) but things change. Appreciate any advice!
I am looking for suggestions on trustworthy VPN that can support setup on my router. I really like the idea of everything that connects to my network is ‘automatically’ on VPN. I used to have PIA but i could not get things setup on my router. I then went to PureVPN, but my speeds were horrible. Maybe i was not setting it up right?
My router is ASUS RT‑AC87U with default firmware (i tried DD-WRT but i prefer the original GUI). Let me know your suggestions. FYI, the way i setup the router with PureVPN was the directions from their website. If anyone is reallllly good at this link me some better instructions please!
I’ve been testing out protonvpn, it works well, fairly speedy. I’ve used AirVPN before as well, also decent. Id probably recommend protonvpn over it at this moment.
I have an older 66U running Merlins firmware, it’s a lot like the original Asus GUI. For me I found the only way I could get PIA to run at all on that router was to go with a third party FW. You can find a lot of support for Merlin FW at https://www.snbforums.com/forums/ as well as another fork of dd-wrt.
I don’t get any complaints running this configuration, of course I don’t use the router myself, it’s to slow running a VPN through an off the shelf router. I have it set up to provide a friend of mine who lives in the same building internet access, he pays half the bill so…
Since I live alone I just keep PIA on my local machines (I have 2) so I can turn it off if I need to. Some of my school work, and my Limitless IPTV service, neither plays well with a VPN.
FLD, thanks for the suggestion. I just want it on my router since i have multiple smart TVs i use quite a bit for netflix. Even though i have no proof, i do feel like my ISP dicks with the service during the daytime and afternoon peak hours. When i first started using VPN i did the same as you, just on the machines so i can on/off it at will and didnt have many other devices.
No problem. I was just reading the snb forum it seems that Merlin just released version 380.68 (19-Aug-2017). He does really well in keeping it up, and he has a working relationship with Asus as well.
Now that this thread came up I see I’m 4 versions behind on my FW and I just updated in the spring. Looks like I’ll have to make that friend go without internet for a bit later this weekend
The 14 eyes doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not a trustworthy VPN. First of all the agreement is about military secrets, not your torrents. Second, as in the case of for instance Sweden, there is no national legislation demanding that VPN providers collect any data, which ties into my third point, if there is no collection of data, they cannot give it out.
I usually recommend Mullvad (based in Sweden), among other things such as good speed and the ability to pay in bitcoins (which is 10% cheaper due to less administrative costs), the founders are known in circles which have privacy as an ideology (yeah okay, pretty big and broad word here, but I don’t know a better fit). All their other projects revolve around this topic. They have said, if there ever comes legislation forcing them to collect data, they would rather close down the whole endeavor. The “proof” of their ideological foundation is perhaps the best point here, who are they and what do they do beyond the VPN business? What does others in the privacy minded community say about them? This is what makes them trustworthy in my eyes, as it is not just words coming from a clickbaity article on their sales page.
E: Spelling and: That being said, can other VPN providers be just as good? Yes! Can everyday Joe who doesn’t follow national politics in e.g Sweden be more sure that Swiss-based Proton will never give out their details? Perhaps, but I would not base my choice of provider on the locality of the provider alone.
It’s not limited to military secrets. Gives a good indication of the kind of communication sharing agreements that are in place in some countries though which is mainly why i mentioned it, as its a concern for some people.
Play nice everyone, lol. I am in the USA, so im not sure using an overseas VPN provider would help my speeds (unless they have server/access points here). Ill look into Mullvad.