Trusted Windows 7 Torrent?

*****So I know I'm not aloud to post links to torrenting websites or such, so I won't. If I break any rules please lock this topic and state which rule a I broke. Thank you*****


Hello everyone! I've recently decided to get Windows 7 for my desktop PC but not windows 8 (pretty sure hardware too old and not supported. Specs on main profile) because I'm done with windows vista's crap and slowness. My problem is, I'm saving up for a new computer on April 18 ( my birthday ) and I can't afford Windows 7 and the computer. I found a torrent that is Windows 7 ultimate 32/64bit with "removeWAT" included. I have no clue what removeWAT is but the torrent has a lot of seeders and leechers. Should I trust the torrent? Also, how large is the normal Windows 7 Iso? The one I plan to download is 3.48 GiB (3741730322 Bytes) large. Should I trust the torrent? 

Why don't you just download it from the official Windows forums?


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because he wants it for free and prob in an all in one package. When finding activation programs for stuff like this you come into a lot of viruses and fake sites.

I was actually looking at that exact torrent but wasn't sure if it was a virus or not, or would steal my data or such... 

Explain the facepalm? O.o

use an official windows 7 iso and then use WindowsLoader by DaZ

If I downloaded from that link it wouldn't have a key (most likely) and would expire or some that like that after 30 days. I was thinking of one which had a key. I couldn't find any other torrent which had a key or could somehow make a key. 

#f30b19 ;">[LINK REMOVED]

  • No linking to warez, pirated software, cracks, activation hacks, etc.

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