Hey everyone. I have been using Freenas and Truenas for a long time but this time I am having all sort of issues. Unfortunatelly the Truenas forums are not quite helpful. The system is:
Amd Threadripper pro 5955WX
256gb Ecc ram
RTX4090 and RTX2080Ti (in the end all will be passthrough to a VM)
8x8TB HDD connected to a IT flashed LSI controller with SAS3008
2 256nvmes for zlog
1 256gb sata I had lying around for system
I am working with Truenas Scale. First issue is with motherboards onboard graphic. If I switch it on (has a VGA switch onboard) I am not able to boot into setup. On setup I just get a black screen (also tried plugging monitors to nvidias - everything is black). I tried onboard IPMI -IPMB switch which changed nothing. If I switch the onboard VGA off I can go through and install the system. But then one of the nvidias would be wasted as a system device while the otherone is passthrough along with an usb hub correctly to the VM.
So after installation I continued playing. But when I switch onboard VGA to on, the boot gets stuck on Init ramdisk. And then, at some point the system just stopped booting complaining that boot-pool was not found. And by typing zpool list I can confirm that there is no boot-pool found. The ssd is fine, I plug it in into my main PC and I can see the boot-pool apparently healthy (used some data recovery software as I am an ex data recovery engineer).
OK, let’s do a fresh install could be something due to messing around with onboard graphics. And now the setup does not detect the ssd. So I wiped the SSD, still not found. Tried another SSD - not found. Tried all sata ports, different cables - not found. So I took another nvme, placed it on board (board has 3 nvme ports) - not found. Tried clearing CMOS, removing ZFS related disks (which are detected the whole time) but no mater what I plug-in it is not detected and like everything else but essentials removed from the case.
BIOS sees all drives, sata and nvme. Linux live (on this system) also. I fired also Hirens to recheck the disks again - everything works fine.
I do hope someone has an idea. Or at the end I will just install some Linux distro and do everything manually.
Kind regards,