TrueNAS Core - PlugIn Guacamole

Good Evening All,
I am having trouble with the plugin Guacamole on TrueNAS Core - 12.0-U8 -
I have enabled the plugin with default options. All seems to run ok. Can access the admin webpage ok, But i cannot get to remote to any of my machine on my home LAN. Tried RDP to a windows machine and an SSH connection to another BSD machine.
I have set it up fine on my Raspberry PI from a CLI ok. I can connect to each machine above fine. But i am not very experienced with plugins or jails on Truenas.
Default options are NAT. Is this correct?, Had a go with setting IP but no luck with that.
Can anyone help as i would like to move the service from my Pi to my Truenas box which has a more powerful CPU.
Thanks for reading.

No idea if you ever resolved this, but I was struggling with this yesterday. It took me a while and some deep googling on Reddit to find out the fix.

Log in as admin (guacadmin), then go to connections and edit the connection.
If you’re trying to use your hotmail / Microsoft Live account, you HAVE to do the following:

On your windows box, open a command prompt (cmd from search bar) and then type “whoami” (no quotes) and hit enter.

Take the username portion of that, and put it in the authentication section of Guacamole, in the username field.

This is the critical step: LOG OUT of your Windows box, then log back in but don’t use your PIN, use your PASSWORD. You must do that part.

Back in Guacamole:
Put your Windows / Live /Hotmail password in the connection. In Network, put port 3389 in the port section, and hostname can be the computer name or its IP address.

That’s pretty much it. IT works for me now!