TrueCharts build of Unifi controller can not see any access points but Win11 and iPad see them just fine

My iPad and my Win11 desktop can load the Unifi Controller software and see and control all 5 Unifi APs in my house and office but the Truenas TrueCharts (latest) can absolutely not see a single one of them.

The controller loads and runs properly under it’s correct user ID, and group ID … and it asks for me to install some APs onto my network. My PC and iPad sees them all without any issue at all.

Any ideas at all on this ~ thanks.

Check container network setting, its likely that controller must be able to access host network directly to manage anything at all.

Edit: let the container use host network interface and get ip from dhcp OR give it static adress.

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Ok that makes sense; the container probably grabbed the wrong Eth port. I’ll check that first.

thanks a lot.

edit ~ the settings for Port and DHCP were hidden by default under the “Network/advanced” button. I would consider these to be Basic settings LOL

Easily soved problem is best kind of problem. Toodles.

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