Hello guys, I am trying to trouble shoot my Hd7950( http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814202026 ) that I have had since October. The problem is, I noticed that my fan on the left side wasn't spinning. I am unsure how long this has been a problem but, I really would love to repair it myself instead of having to wait during rma process. I later found out that the fan will work, but only if its at 80% fan speed or higher(it looks like it is rotating at relatively the same speed.) Btw, I am running the beta drivers from amd(14.1), could that be a problem?
List of things I have done(please make some suggestions):
Updated bios on gpu( didnt fix anything)
Make sure all connections were properly plugged in(didnt fix a thing)
ran at 80% for an hour(didnt fix)
cleaned my card(didnt fix)
switched card bios(with dual bios button(didnt fix)
changed drivers(still 0 progress)