Troubleshooting my HD7950(updated vsn of plz help a tek fan out)

Hello guys, I am trying to trouble shoot my Hd7950( that I have had since October. The problem is, I noticed that my fan on the left side wasn't spinning. I am unsure how long this has been a problem but, I really would love to repair it myself instead of having to wait during rma process. I later found out that the fan will work, but only if its at 80% fan speed or higher(it looks like it is rotating at relatively the same speed.) Btw, I am running the beta drivers from amd(14.1), could that be a problem?


List of things I have done(please make some suggestions):


Updated bios on gpu( didnt fix anything)

Make sure all connections were properly plugged in(didnt fix a thing)

ran at 80% for an hour(didnt fix)

cleaned my card(didnt fix)

switched card bios(with dual bios button(didnt fix)

changed drivers(still 0 progress)

I read this as you had trouble shooting your 7950.  I thought to myself, "Why are you shooting a video card?"  >.>

As for troubleshooting, you mention that you're running beta drivers and ask if that could be a problem.  Here's an important tip when you're troubleshooting and have a question like that: Try it.  Don't ask.  Try.  I honestly don't know if it could be an issue, as I've not used AMD for years and never experienced anything like that on any of my Nvidia nor my old AMD stuff.  You've tried a fair number of things, yet you stopped short of trying other drivers.  Do eet!  It can't hurt anything, right?

A minimal amount of searching turned up THIS THREAD at the Sapphire forums that seems to be the same trouble you're having.  There's nothing there to help you, with the only recommendation being to RMA it because the behavior is abnormal.  I'd say the same.  If you've done all that you have with no results, your best bet is probably to get it replaced.  Nobody likes to wait through the RMA process, but it's better than having a piece of junk that dies before it's time.

zzzzz i have the exact problem as whats in the thread. I really do not want to go through the RMA process mainly because I fear it will take longer since i live in alaska