So basically my friends computer stopped working one day, no reason why or anything. It kept hanging on the bios, but only when something USB was plugged in. So I figured guess the motherboard went, got a new motherboard, for some reason his dad thought it was the power supply so thats been replaced as well.
As of right now I'm sitting on the floor with my pc and his apart to swap in know good parts and all to help me narrow it down. To preface, this after the motherboard swap the computer still won't boot, and now it won't output video. I swapped in good ram, video card, cleared the bios, removed/reinserted all power cords, no hdd plugged in so I do kill the drive and I know that it's not the hdd, so now I'm here
The current issues are no post beep(speaker is from my system which works), no video out, no response from when turned on with no ram in the system at all, so I think it's the cpu. Would you say I'm right? I know my stuff and everything else looks right...