Trouble installing Steam on Ubuntu 15.04

It's odd, the issue I'm having, when I try to run Steam through Ubuntu, it just doesn't run, I mean I've tried clicking on the desktop icon and running it through the terminal. But neither work, although, when I go to check the processes, it says that Steam is actually running, so of course, as I can't make use of it, I just shut down Steam.

I think it's also worth mentioning that I've been using Linux for 2 days, so I'm a serious newby with Linux, but I've already fallen in love with it. If I could game in Linux, I would never use Windows, again, for my field of work, which is web design, there's a lot of neat and useful tools that you can have in Linux, some stuff I even prefer to the Windows applications. I don't do anything that needs Adobe CC, I don't really tend to work with Flash, because it's a dying thing, which is a shame, because there's a lot of cool things that you can do with it, especially if you make use of Away 3D. I mean, I'm pretty sure that Apple have stopped supporting Flash, I'm not sure that's true as I don't like Apple, I don't care for Apple and I just tend to stay away from Apple, other than Safari, but as a web designer, I need it. -.-

BTW. I'm not saying Apple products are bad, it's the company itself I dislike, their products are nice, Apple could be an amazing company, but they're kinda evil, well, very evil. - Just look up the state of their factories in China, the conditions that the workers are in, the suicide issues, I'm pretty sure that even Logan talked about how Apple and this situation in a recent(ish) video.

Anyway, to stay on topic, does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get Steam to run in Linux, as expected?
I do play a lot of indie games, I love supporting these little indie developers and I enjoy a lot of the simple but incredibly fun mechanics that you can find in indie games. So it's not like I can't play any of my games, I know I wouldn't be able to play all of them, but I know some will work, does anyone have any advice? Any tips? Any commands that I could try but wouldn't know about as I'm such a noob?

Open steam using the terminal and copy and paste the text it spews out here. Might be able to see what the problem is.

Okay, now I'm seriously confused here, what the hell is going on?

Before, it would display this message and just stay there, nothing else would happen:

Running Steam on ubuntu 15.04 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(0)

But, now, no word of a lie, I haven't done anything, and now it's downloading the updates, before, it couldn't even do that, just nothing would happen.

I am very confused... Do you know how it's all of a sudden working fine now? :s

I know I must look like a complete idiot, right now, but I swear to god, the other day, it would refuse to do anything, I'm now on Steam, in Ubuntu. I'm happy it's fixed, but at the same time worried, because I don't know why it wouldn't work the other day.

With commands, here are a few that I regularly use:

To completely update all software:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

To install a program (replace [packagename] with name of program. eg.libreoffice firefox):

sudo apt-get install [packagename]

remove all files with extention [type] (replace [type] with, say, mp3, doc, txt etc)

rm *.[type]
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Don't worry about it! things can be a bit temperamental at times. Feel free to personally message me if assistance is needed.

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Thanks a lot! I haven't had any problems so far, other than installing Steam, that has been my single problem so far.

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2 days using Linux and only 1 problem! Your an a roll!

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I'm assuming that isn't bad?
To be fair, I had a friend show my Ubuntu Mate and we booted it off a USB drive in work, and I was loving it, Linux just seems so much nicer to use, to me at least.

I learnt a fair bit about using SSH and how to look through files and folders by playing OverTheWire games. I learnt a lot form using that and just looking some stuff up, it was very beneficial, indeed! I mean I've learnt some stuff, I just can't imagine me using again, but never hurts to know as much as possible, right?! :D

learn as much as you possibly can! It really helps knowing how to effectively use Linux. one more command,

man [command]

tells you just about everything you need to know about a specific command. Believe me, you find it useful eventually.

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Yeah, thankfully, I already know about man, that's the first thing my friend told me, if I'm ever stuck on what a command does or what you can do with a command, type in man then the command itself. My friend has been using Linux for quite some time himself, so he knows a lot more than I do! XD

I've already used man, just to get a better understanding of basic functions, like find. I wanted to know how to find files, by the file type, just out of curiosity, using man, it helped.