Hi all, my XSTAR DP2710 just arrived today and as I feared, skyrim doesn't want to run at 2560x1440. I've changed the height and width in my skyrim.ini, but it still launches in a 1920x1080 window. I have modded my game heavily, so my guess is I need to change another setting somewhere else. The only graphics mod I use is ENB. Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Problem solved! I went into mod organizer's ini editor and changed my iSizeH and W (height and width) and that solved my problem. no idea why going through mod organizer worked but I'm happy to have it fixed.
why don't you try launching the actual game on steam don't launch the SKSE thing, it should give you a little small launcher with graphical settings and stuff. 2560x1440 is a 16:9 Aspect Ratio you can change your Resolution from there.
I gave that a shot but no go. still runs in a 1080p window. however, if I run the game from the launcher as if I had no mods, it does launch into 1400p fullscreen. that gives me something to go on. thanks!
im positive when i set up an enb i had to declare the resolution. Yours probably needs changing. Maybe in the skyrimprefs.ini but i think it's more likely to be an enb file.
im positive when i set up an enb i had to declare the resolution. Yours probably needs changing. Maybe in the skyrimprefs.ini but i think it's more likely to be an enb file.