Trolling my sis w/ some simple code

I'm starting to learn how to code in C++ and I thought it would be fun to prank my sister with a console window spamming that she has a virus or has been hacked; but I cant get the console to say open after it has finished spamming the "you have been hacked" line. Think one of you guys could give me a little advice?
This is that I've done ...


 using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace U_NEED_THIS_FILE
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)


Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;



Thanks guys 



Put this at the end and try it.  It might be cin.ignore first, so if that doesn't work swap em around.

I think a batch script would be easiest for this.

TBH it would but i'm trying to do it in C++ :P

Thanks, I'll try it right now. 

You can do so much naughty shit with batch files lol.

Yes you can...and it is VERY east to make it go bye bye 

no no no your doing it all wrong. you want this to continuously loop.

while ( true ) { //spit out hacks and lawl }

That's a great idea, I'll try putting it in.


Got the while loop in, it's working great, thanks 

idk if I'm doing it wrong but it's just giving me errors.




Sense I've got the while loop running i don't need this but thanks for the suggestion

I would imagine that this would look scary as hell if you had no idea what was going on.



I'll update this once i do more with the program, I'm planning on making another application disguised as a picture or something call a bunch of this spam thingy. 


One time I got my mom and dad to think someone was hacking into their bank account! I never laughed harder in my life XD

It's so pretty.

Im pretty sure you can use vbscript for this stuff, I think I made one like


hacks=inputbox ("HAX HAX HAX")


 when your done save it as whatever.vbs


This can get anyone who is computer incompetent. It can obviously be disabled in task manager but someone "computer incompetent" wouldn't know that. 

If you really want to be a troll, put it in startup or change the icon to a browser or anything else. 

 Happy Trolling


Especially if you replace the Mozilla Firefox shortcut with a shutdown batch script lol


Thanks for the advice dude 

Why are you using .NET for something so simple?

This might be a bit cooler, here's the source:

Edit: It just prints "HACKS" over and over again, but in random colors.


+1   Changing icon paths, easiest muck up in the world.