Triple-monitor Flickering

Hello, i recently decided to upgrade my setup by adding two extra ASUS VE228HR 21.5" monitors on top of my ASUS VG278HE 144hz 27" (i use them in PLP).

(I run GTX-660 Dual-SLI and i use a Corsair CX750M PSU.)

When trying to use all three monitors in SLI (All connected to the same GPU 2 with DVI and one with HDMI) my main-monitor starts flickering when set to 144hz and the lower i set the hz to the less frequent the flickering gets.

I have a hunch that it is because my GPU doesn't get enough power but i really have no idea.

Help would be much appreciated.

the GPUs are getting enough power no doubt. Make sure the technical points are right first, using dual link dvi cable with your 144hz monitor, it can be so many things resolution, nvidia control panel settings, drivers? 

Flickering in monitors may be caused by the lights in the room, or maybe your eyes are confused by the difference in Hz next to the other monitors. Try to cover the other monitors or turn them away to see if flickering stops? To be honest i have no idea I'm just brainstorming here x)

I'm no monitor expert, you should probably turn to ASUS support for this one, toss them an email and they'll help you unless some monitor guru comes along here. If you get a solution from ASUS do post it here as i'm interested to the cause :D

I am using Dual link for my 144hz and the flickering isn't caused by own confusion in difference of hz (it's thick green lines that pop up now and then) 

I hadn't really thought about the lights thing, maybe i have too many things getting power from the same output, now that you mention it i think my light flickers sometimes as well (I didn't think this had anything to do with the flickering lights since when i tested my screens there was a big storm outside)

I'll test it and if the problem persists i'll contact ASUS,

thank you for your input, much appreciated :)

I found this over a year old post on the Nvidia Forums, appearently it's a driver problem nvidia has been working on fixing.

With using some the advice in the thread i can now use 120hz in SLI + two monitors.

ah so the power saving was causing troubles, that's good to know :> good job.