Trinity or Vishera

Tek forum i need help deciding on a cpu to buy i now have a amd athlon ii x2 255 3.1ghz that i got in january i still havent used yet cause im still in the process of building my first gaming rig...Ive been thinking should i use it or buy something better i now have money to spend and only going to use my computer for gaming in simple tasks no rendering...which will be the better buy for my needs apu or fx?? btw i will only game at 720p for the time being intell i buy a 1080p moniter in the near future... thanks to all that reply

I'd just go for Trinity then and use the on-die GPU. A10-5800k should perform well at 720p.

ok thanks do u have the a10-5800k??

Not personally, no. I've only had first hand experience with the A8-5600K, but I didn't try it at gaming since that wasn't the purpose of the builds I was using it on. They were media centric PC's, and I just wanted inexpensive piledriver cores. However 720p to 1080p with lower details is the general consensus with review sites.


I think you should look into building a computer around a FX-6300 and get a cheap graphics card such as a 7750 or a 7770. This will be much better when you decide to upgrade to a 1080p monitor. I would only go for the 5800k if you're really straped for cash. APU's are really more suited for Office computers and HTPC's.

I have a 7770 in my HTPC and it can play pretty much everything maxed out except the very latest games. But even then it can still play BF3 at medium to high settings. 

yea i was looking at the fx 6300 i read alot of good reviews on it and vids i actually have the cash for it now i just have to buy another motherboard 

A good option would be getting a Phenom 2 x4 955 Black edition (or 965, whatever's cheaper), and putting more money into a more powerful GPU (like a 7850, or if you can find the cash, a 7870).

The GA-970A-UD3 is a great budget motherboard for the 6300. It's only around 100$ and it's got a lot of great features. 

What is your budget, how much money you can spend on a CPU, Mobo and GPU all together? Is it 300 or 400$?

my budget will be around 300-400

the phenoms are still good?? i seen 965 be for $100 on  newegg

ok ill take a look at it

If your budget is only around $300-$400 then I would suggest going for the APU. If you had more cash, then I would suggest an FX processor with a discrete graphics card.

so buy the a10-5800k?? how well does the apu handel bf3 online& arma 2??

You probably won't be able to max them out, but you should be able to play them on at least medium settings with some pretty nice frame rates. Just make sure you get some really fast ram for it, because the onboard GPU uses your system memory since there is no built in VRAM to assist the GPU. I like to pair it with some 2400mhz RAM just because RAM is so cheap.

You can save 20$ if you buy A8 5600k, similar performance in gaming... Most games from 2012 will run with decent settings and framerate at 720p, as your bugdet is 400 or even 450$ you can make a sweet cheap gaming rig.

Here is Logan's suggestion for a $350 gaming build:

TonyCo... 400$ is for only CPU, GPU and Motherboard... I doubt if its about the whole computer since i asked what is he bugdet for CPU,GPU,Mobo..

Only get an APU, it is all you will ever need.

metalofwarrioroften, taught me the ways of the AMD skilltrain!!!