Transfering Files from Windows 7 to Windows 8 HELP! PLZ

I am trying to backup data off a Windows 7 laptop and move it to my Windows 8 but when I take the HD out of the old laptop and connected it to my desktop which has 7 installed and transfer all the files to the desktop. Then I took the HD out of the Windows 8 laptop and coppied the files directley to a folder under the main directory it shows it coppied but when I put the Windows 8 HD back in the laptop it shows the space is taken up for the files but there is no folder to be found? What in the world is causing this??? I turend on the hidden files but still nothing. Any ideals??

Errr are you switch laptops or just upgrading to w8 because if you are just upgrading then nothing will be lost in the installation its based on the same kernel as w7


but if you are switching from laptop a to b then try finding some cloning software and a sata to usb cable to transer everything 

Its two different laptops one with windows 7 on it the other with windows 8. When I tried to transfer the folder over from the windows 7 HD to the windows 8 HD the folder is nowhere to be found. but if I hook the windows 8 drive up to windows 7 and view the drive I can see the files using 7. I was just wondering why windows 8 seems to block the files I put on it using windows 7.

Thats odd is it copying to the new HDD or is it just creating links.

Yes it is copying to the new HDD It shows that it is taking up space on the disk but no folder to be found....