Hey All!
Ok, I was wondering if you were in my standing point, would you trade in your 980 for 980ti? i own 2 980s and each card are in my set ups in my i5 and i7, but will it be worth it in your POV of the upgraded cards? thanks!
Hey All!
Ok, I was wondering if you were in my standing point, would you trade in your 980 for 980ti? i own 2 980s and each card are in my set ups in my i5 and i7, but will it be worth it in your POV of the upgraded cards? thanks!
Just wait to see how the 300 series performs.
Nope. it's a Waste of Money. stick with your 980 and wait for Pascal. or AMD's R9-300 Series.
You should of seen this coming from the very beginning. keeping your hardware will teach you to be patient, and to appreciate what you have. so really no. don't do it, realistically Nvidia has dropped the 980Ti to piss off Titan-X owners and 980 owners. there was no logical reason to drop that card.
Eh.. That card is the only reason I'm now considering nvidia so they must be doing something right. Besides we already know nvidia likes to piss on current owners. But anyways just keep the cards unless if you're either a. Returning them to the store for original retail or b. Find some dummy who will pay you close to retail
I will sell my 980 G1 Gaming for a non reference 980Ti when they drop.
It would depend on what kind of screen you're planning to use it with. 1080p and below is a waste for the 980ti, the 980 does very well there. 1440p and above starts to make a difference, at 4K the Ti is worth it I would say.
Well no, if you have an older generation card, then do it. if you bought a 970 or 980 and want to upgrade then don't do it. it makes no sense to invest into the 980Ti if you have a 980. are you going to repeat the process next year too? Buy a 1080, then get a 1080Ti cause you HAVE to have it?
Sold my 7970cf for 980ti. I'm a 1440p gamer that rather a single card solution. Less heat, and power used makes long gaming session easier.
I would invest in purchasing another 980.
Take $100 lost in selling the 980, and another $200 upgrading. Spend $200 more and just sli what you have that makes more sense.
for 1080p@60Hz its a waste,unless you turn all available options just to kill game performance.
better invest in a display with higher resolution and refresh rate.There is a huge difference and 144Hz is no longer TN panel exclusive if you are worried about image/color quality.Try it and there is no going back. And nvidia cards seem to age quickly like 780ti did , there will be plenty of reasons to upgrade gpu next year.