Hi all.
This morning my friends house was broken into and they stole his laptop. It was "asleep" when they took it and he has changed all his passwords.
I have a few inquiries about a way to possibly track or find out its location through connections my computer has to it, most namely LogMeIn hamachi. Sadly he doesn't have actual LogMeIn remote access but we had hamachi and his laptop is on my hamachi network. Of course, it only shows a connection when he has hamachi open, which he didn't when it was stolen, but the engine that hamachi runs on auto starts on bootup.
So in the case that the thief or thieves didn't already wipe the disk and at some point may be trolling around his unlocked computer, would there be a way to get a location out of it or anything like that using hamachi or anything else?
Thanks In Advance, ~Tas