Tracker-store uses too much RAM


I am running debian Jessy and it takes about 15 minutes without really doing anything,
that all the RAM is used up by processes called "tracker-*".
I tried reinstalling tracker package, which did not fix it.

I have no idea what to do. Right now I just kill the processes, after I boot.

Does someone know what the problem exactly is or how to fix it?

kind regards,

The software that revolves around tracker index your drive so you can run desktop search stuff inside Gnome.

If you don't want that to ever be possible, there are a couple ways to deal with this.

One is to just remove tracker and gnome-documents, as gnome-documents depends on tracker.

apt-get remove

The other methods is to de-activate tracker from starting in the first place.

Disable tracker-miner-fs

If you're in a gui you can run tracker-preferences and disable the indexing of all folders.

To delete existing tracker logs you need to do

tracker-control -r

This kills all running tracker processes and removes the databases.

Finally, edit /etc/xdg/autostart/tracker-miner-fs.desktop and tracker-store.desktop and change




Keep us updated if these solved your problem.

thanks. I think I fixed it.
In the search and indexing gui, I removed a folder from locations.

Just for understanding:
The folder contained like a few hundred files, about 50 Gb of data total.
So since the tracker-* indexes all the files in my drive, it just takes a lot of ram because it has to index so many files ?

Anyway thanks for the help

That's basically the issue, I'm surprised you didn't notice it eating your CPU too.

no did not really eat much cpu. But also read that many had trouble with cpu usage.
Maybe it was a bug that got fixed over the years.
Because it really did not use a lot of cpu-power