TP-Link Archer T4U Plus linux driver instalation issue

So I just picked up a wifi adapter to use with my linux box running Pop OS 20.10. Picked up to the tp-link archer T4U as it was on a couple of lists for supposedly working well with linux. Unfortunately it seems those lists were a little outdated, as since then it looks like from what I have been able to find that teh official driver is no longer working. Found so directions for setting up with a community driver driver off github here: Unfortunately I am getting errors when trying to com the driver. Haven’t ever really had to compile a driver before so not really sure where to start. Bellow is what I am I getting for an error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You are trying to install the T4U drivers when you have the T4U PLUS which is quite different. Depending on your hardware variant – V1 to 3 – you may be out of luck for Linux support.

Well that makes since. Sorry for forgetting the output in the op, but I guess it wasn’t needed. Well now I know. I was looking around, and looks like I will have better luck with an intel based wifi adapter anyway. Thank you

In my opinion TP link wifi extender update is the best quality wifi product. I have been using it for so long and it provide maximum security and strong connection.