Touchscreen webapp terminal - DIY or not

Hi, I’m working on web application and I’m looking for a good touchscreen, running some easy to update distribution (Ubuntu touch?), able to render the apps interface over network. Any suggestions? Budget is open, but it would be nice to stay rational.

My ideas:

  1. Raspberry Pi4 + Touchscreen from AlliExpress
  2. some Raspberry clone + touchscreen
  3. some of the shelf solution

Must have:
render HTML5 page
long (more then 3-4 years) available updates

Nice to have:
outdoor brightens of the screen (this could be expensive fast)

What are yours suggestions?

Your average POS-Terminal is in the >1000€/$ range, so for anything that is not a business expense, I vote DIY using SBC+USB/SPI-Touch monitor.

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