Well, today has been an interesting day… Earlier, I uninstalled the Chromium-based Edge so that I could try a few other browsers which I hadn’t yet. I decided I wanted to try out the Torch browser, but I can’t get it installed! So the pc I’m using is a custom-built Windows 10 machine running version 2004. (After doing some research & digging around, I have been able to determine that the Torch browser IS technically Windows 10 compatible; the iffy part as far as compatibility goes is actually the built-in torrent stuff which may or may not working depending.) But from what I can tell, it looks like the issue with me trying to install it seems to be related to apps, Windows Security or Firewall, etc. Though oddly enough, I have been able to install other software WITHOUT this issue!
I haven’t noticed any issues or errors for quite a while, but I am getting 1 as I try to run the installer. (A screenshot showing the exact error message will be included below.) Also, this rig of mine is perfectly up-to-date, running the latest drivers & after checking, my OS & files aren’t corrupted. I’m also the only administrator user. If any of you need more info or have any other questions for me, do ask & I’ll get right back to you!
Wouldn’t do any good anyway since I also tried the offline installer with no success. I also tried disabling the Windows Security stuff to see if that would resolve the issue, but it didn’t. Someone on the LTT forum (& also the Microsoft agent I was with) both suggested/suspected that I ought to try re-installing Windows to see if that would do anything. But to me, it would be rather pointless since my OS & system files don’t appear to be corrupted anyway.
Well, the download is perfectly legit as I downloaded it earlier from the official site. But after looking over the properties of the installer, I don’t have Special Permissions as an admin added. Would enabling them possibly fix this or does it depend?
might be a longshot but did you try right click>run as administrator
actually try and install other programs like 7zip and chrome just to see if it can
what kind of virus/malware protection do you have
avg and avast are the salt of the earth and have caused these kinds of issues in the past
I did try running as admin which didn’t make any difference. I am able to download & install other software without any issues period. As for my virus/malware protection, I’m just using Windows Defender/Windows Security. (I haven’t tried adding the Special Permissions to my user account yet simply because I suck at doing that stuff. LOL Might have a Microsoft Technician do it for me.)
Hi there, this solution will definitely solve your issue since this is a matter of windows security:
Go to settings > update & security > windows security > open windows security > apps & browser control > exploit protection > exploit protection settings > system settings > Data Execution Prevention (DEP) > choose: Off by default
heard torch shut down i have an old version (Torch-Browser36008226) i can send to you l.ooking for newer ver in files - my old pc crashed have ver 69 on it so i might have that set up on it just need to get into pc. wonder if you could send your set up to my e-mail