Hello there! I'm working on a PC now and in another thread asked for some help on a GPU, more specific which to buy. Response was I should get a 7790, so my question is which 7790 should I get?
My Build so far: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/RVXm
So yeah, my monitor is 1920x1080 and was told the best thing for a price range of $100 would be a 7790. So which one would be a good choice? If there is any other suggestions, by all means, leave them below.
Thank you!
I don't see any 7790s for $100 anywhere cheapest is like 130 ish up to 170 ish. Here's one id get tho http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125454 You wont have to worry about an aftermarket cooler for it.
that build looks solid get the gigabyte 7790 2 gb version because at 1080p modern games can use 2gb
few changes the 955 apeared out of stock so I put the 965 in I also put a modular psu and threw a case in
i have already built the pc so there is no need for the case or anything. also for some reason the pc part thing was incorrect so i already have the 965 in the system if that was what you meant. but thank you!
yea its a bit higher than the price i wanted, but it was what people reccomended to me. is there anything in that price that could be better? its just a strict budget and i am really not wanting to go much more than the 7790 as far as price goes. if not i would like to thank you anyway!
I have seen BF3 on ultra passing over 1.2gb on the GPU at 1080p , so yeah 2gb is the sweetspot. The 7790 is a remake of the 7770 and is more powerful in overal, however I don't see where you can get one for under $150. I wouldn't buy a 7790 over a $175 better save up and get a 2gb 7850 for that.
I'm sure if you do some snooping you should be able to get some faster RAM for the sam price