Top 10 Games of all Time

What are your top 10 games of all time. 

I like games like:

gta san andreas  
minecraft (moded)   
call of duty 2   
serious sam 2    
portal 2    
half life 2   
the walking dead   
civ 5  
far cry 3  
mafia 2   




In no particular order 

super mario bros

CS 1.6

call of duty 4 MW

Doom 2

Age of empires 2

Max payne

Road rash 2 


Assassin's creed 2 

team fortress 2

In no particular order, save for the number one:

Duke Nukem 3D,

Half life2,

UT 99 and 2k4,

pokemon red and X(tie so I'm counting as 1, red for glitchy fun x for meta game),

Zelda OoT,

Mario sunshine,

witcher 2,

skyrim WITH MODS,

and modern doom meaning modern modded doom classic/vanilla doom would not make it in to the top 10 for me.

i never played zelda, is it still worth playing 

In no particular order, except for Morrowind.

  1. TES: Morrowind
  2. Fallout 3
  3. Battlefield 3
  4. Borderlands 2
  5. Donkey Kong (SNES)
  6. Mortal Kombat
  7. Bastion
  8. GTA Vice City
  9. Batman Arkham City
  10. Far Cry 3

Morrowind is likely my absolute favorite game of all time so far.

The classics (including modern ones - some have better sequels/variants):
  • Prince of Persia
  • Super Metroid
  • Street Fighter II
  • Tekken
  • Gran Turismo
  • Pro Evolution Soccer
  • Quake
  • Counter Strike
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • GTA Vice City

A special shout out to all of the arcade and fighting games on Neo Geo. They were the envy of PC gamers back in the day.

donkey kong on snes was a lot of fun and looked better than some of the (then) next gen titles.

  • Metroid: Zero Mission
  • Pokemon Emerald
  • Persona 4
  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
  • The Witcher
  • Mortal Kombat Trilogy
  • Doom
  • Catherine
  • Megaman Battle Network (All of them)
  • Tony Hawk's American Wasteland.

These are in no order but these are games i thought were timeless. i could never get sick of them no matter how many times i tried. I dont really have many PC Favorites that i thought were jaw dropping for me besides vampire, the witcher and Doom. I did love the Deus Ex 1 Story and i see why it has a special place in logans heart, but the only reason why its not in my list cause i hated The health / Augumentation System. I personally thought it was terrible.

  • Ratchet and clank
  • Tekken
  • Tombi II
  • Diablo 2
  • Baldur's gate
  • KOTOR 1/2
  • HL 1/2
  • Skyrim
  • Fallout 3
  • Rome/Meidieval II total war
  • EU III

Personally I think all the zeldas except skyward sword are worth playing. 

Zelda OoT


Super Mario Galaxy

Metroid Prime

Mario Kart 64

Resident Evil 4

Madden 2005

Command & Conquer Red Alert

GTA Vice City

Streets of Rage 2

  1. StarWars the Old Republic ( Only because of Huttball)
  2. Evony ( before the botters ran it over)
  3. Empire Earth
  4. Tomb Raider
  5. Descent
  6. Road Rash
  7. Need for Speed
  8. Age of Empires
  9. Final Fantasy
  10. Grand Turismo
  11. This is too hard. Can i do a top 50 ?

1. metal gear solid (above all the best storytelling game of all time)

2. GTA

3. the elder scrolls (without ESO)

4. Call of Duty

5. Tom Clancys Splinter Cell

6. Dynasty Warriors :D 

7. Mirrors Edge

8. Far Cry, Crysis

9. Total War Franchise

10. Minecraft (vanilla, basically a year into when it came out, simple and cute)

In no particular order:



Fallout 3

Civ 5

Zelda OoT

La Noire


Super Smah Bros(n64)

Battlefield 3

Rainbow Six: Vegas 2