Tool to update pricing information on monitors

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if anyone knows of a good application or way I can update price information of my menu on monitors in my store? I have PCs hooked up in the back and the monitors mounted on a wall in front. Right now I use a power point presentation to display pricing in Full Screen mode.

Is there a good utility or app I can use to update my prices for example at home and they immediately update at my store? The PCs at the store are always connected to the Internet so if I am at home I would like to change pricing if all of a sudden for example chicken prices go way up etc.

Any suggestions would be great!

Maybe use Google slides (or whatever that's called) and let all monitors display that one presentation in a webbrowser. If you make it full screen you won't notice it's in a browser.

This way you'd only have to update your slides once and all monitors change. You could also do from anywhere since its online.

I'm not 100% sure it'll work, but it's free so you can definitely try it out :)

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Thanks I will take a look at that and try it!

Let me know how it works out. In case it doesn't work, here's another way of achieving it:

In stead of using slides on those monitors, create a simple web page to do so. You could then store your prices in a google spreadsheets document. Finally you can use javascript on that web page to access the google document and update the price on a fixed interval.

I can see from your post history that you're trying to learn some JS, so this might be a nice project to try out.

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Yeah I am and you bet. I will for sure. Thank you so much! Perhaps if I need some help I can ask you? I bet you got JS down and can teach me a thing or two.

If you use chrome, it has a kiosk mode

chrome.exe –kiosk <url>

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I actually just started out myself, but who knows. Maybe I'll be able to help you so ask away if you're stuck.

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