Tom's Fanboyware,3443.html

The comments man, the comments... Why doesToms Hardware gotta be like this?

toms hardware is full of fail intel builds  hell if im going to spend a grand on a system give me a 83XX a 79XX and a 64 gb ssd with a 2 tb hhd  and blamo cheeper in most cases and better for multitasking. then again i am a multi asking fool with 3 monitors  each doing seprate things. 1 gaming 1 web + monitoring tools 1 movies/music

I agree the only reason I got an intel was becasue the 83xx was not out and I got my I5 3570k for $170 and $50 off any z77 motherboard :) and I love my 6870 but I am all about what ever is on sale and best bang for the buck I have bought almost all of my computer parts and other electronics on sale no matter the brand its all about the price to performace.

I'm working on a school project and last night I was running 5 virtual machines at once on my 8350, each had 2GB RAM and was allowed access to 2 cores

make it ten and i may buy one

I have an intel build due to the flop that Bulldozer was, i waited up for benchmarks to be dissapointed by the peice of shit..... an over hyped pile of crap from AMD, so i went Sandy Bridge.

I still have my AM3 system with a Phenom II, brilliant chip :D

That last crysis bench logan did made me jump ship on intel. I thought it was the be all and end all chip that i5 3570k. Fixing to buy an AMD soon as the tax return comes in. :)

Really stupid buying hardware for 1 game...LOL

god hates you, troll

non-fictional characters hate you as well

Who you talking to?

Its not just one game, for the price its great and similar quality... Anyway AMD will have a bright future and you are bitchin because of Bulldozer, its fixed in Piledriver... Fuck off.

There are rumors that Piledriver will get an update...

Recon-US, there is a special, 2 for $3


You idiots have no clue do you...

Bulldozer was released, and had shit performance for it's cost, it was way more expensive than the i5's on release...

So shut the fuck up, and get a clue before spouting you dumb fucks.

I miss when these forums weren't full of stupid people. Yes. All of you. : O)

You are actually going full retarded... Bulldozer is a flop but that was long time ago, we now have AMD Piledriver-Vishera FX series... It solves like 90% of the problems that Bulldozer had and its better overall and 8350 can compare to an i5, 8320 is the sweetspot from AMD...

You only bitch on things that happened like more than a year ago, thats ancient news...

What the fuck are you talking about?

Maybe if you read my first post here on this damn thread, your tiny mind would not have had to come up with this bullshit you just posted.


Would not suurprise me if you just finished wanking over the FX logo you stupid cunt.

You again mentioned Bulldozer and in other thread you trash it while you are not uptodate since Piledriver was released and you still bitch about how Bulldozer dissapointed you >_>

You really are dense as fuck....

I suggest going back to school you idiotic turd.


You make threads like this for attention:


And all you do is spout absolute fucking shit all over the forum, you are just a waste of space in reality and here.


Its not for attention, I was amazed that A10 was overclocked to 7.2Ghz and that the person that uploaded the video put a troll title on it...

Replace the burger with a intel cpu and you get Intel fanboys like you.