Quotes from the video, Too-long-dont-watch
I buy a pipe
I buy a pathway
Nobody can mess with that
They cant degrade it
they cant tell me I cant get something
They cant tell somebody they can only get on toms pathway if you pay me a price
They cant block
If a consumer buys service from their ISP, they oughta have the right to use all of that bandwidth to use all of the internet, not this part of that part, not prioritize, they have the right to use it all
Openess and net neutrality interchangable, no fast lane authorized.
Nothing in this (706) authorizes a fast lane.
So he says ISPs cant discriminate between packets, shape your internet, slow you down, that when you buy a service you are paying for a pipe, and you can use that to access any part of the internet at the full speed. This is not true, indeed their are no regulations applying to this, because ISPS are not section two, and many americans are on caps, and are being shapped/throttled, etc..etc...
This guy is a liar! Remember level 3, they even told everybody, that some ISPs were messing with traffic going to netflix! Netflix services degraded on some isps, it wasnt all ISPs, it wasnt on netflixes side! It wasnt all traffic from those ISPS, it was just netflix, then after slowing netflix down, they extorted money from them!