To overclock, or not to overclock CPU

Hello, im saving up money to build a pc and I dont know if im gonna buy an intel core i5-4570 or an intel core i5-4670k. Will overclocking make a big difference in upcoming games like Watch Dogs and Thief? Please help. im new to PC building.

I have an i7-2600k running at 4.5ghz, and my friend has a 3570k running at 3.4ghz. That's a 32% clock speed difference, and there's no real difference in any game, except the Arma series, and only when I really put my CPU to work and host a multiplayer server.

Nobody is really sure what will happen with next-gen games, but an AMD processormight actually be faster, especially for games made for the new consoles. A "good" shitty console port might leave all of their low level assembly optimizations in the game, and that could push an AMD processor up above Intel for those games.

What will most likely not be changing is the reliance on GPU far more than CPU. Before you put any more money than you have to on a CPU, pay up for a good video card.

If you want to try the AMD route, you can grab an 8320 for ~150 bucks (you'll want to pay up for a little more motherboard with that, though). All desktop AMD processors can be overclocked.

Okay, thanks dude. The 8320 does seem like a good buy when I think about it. My friends dad have had some bad experience with amd though, but I think that was pretty long ago so amd is definitely an option. Im getting a gtx 770 btw, so im not really scared of the cpu being too strong for the gpu.