I reread everything I could find from the little dustup and thought deeply on the subject and have come to a conclusion, most here really care but have gone a fowl of a few small facts willfully and with malice aforethought pushed on by trolls and asshats. 2 people left the crew voluntarily, some feelings were bruised in the process because they were not consulted in some decisions or their wants were not supplied because the information requested was really not their concern and not needed for them to do their tasks. Yet certain individuals had to kick , scream and threaten the people who help and teach us to be better techs and nerds, people who go out to places we cannot go and show us what new tech is out there most times without thanks.
I liked the TEK when all three guys were taking turns breaking down reports to make them clearer, Logan, Wendel and Qain.
"Wendel had me all teary eyed on occasion as he expounded on the loneliness and character of a person who lives as much time in machine code as people like us do, And it is lonely to run a company when your partners are scrambling everywhere and doing anything but what you have asked them to do. As a former business owner if your crew does not do thing like you say to do arbitrarily and without discussion will lose the company contracts and financial strength, and not knowing where the money was going was what Logan was more worried about,Qain quit on us, I hate that he did that and hate even worse he left in anger, but it was his decision to do that and no one elses.
We are a community of exceptional minds, techs, nerds and builders, engineers and scientists and I don't want us to lose our focus because of idiotstick little backstabbing trolls trying to rip this good thing we helped build up apart in pieces,
@Logan i still volunteer any help I can do to help, even if only moral support just ask....wendal please ask also.
I myself am a shy person who hates change in places I love, please lets get back together, make vids and do projects together and get back to having the fun we used to have. Let us not lose this one thing that brings us all together.