I find myself using tmux to monitor cpu stats on a remote machine via ssh quite frequently, so here's a shell script to run right after connecting.
First install and run sensors-detect
Then paste this into a script:
tmux new-session -s $N -d
tmux split-window -t $N 'bash' C-m
tmux split-window -v -t $N
tmux split-window -v -t $N 'watch -n 2 "sensors|grep Core"'
tmux split-window -h -t $N 'top'
tmux kill-pane -t $N:0.1
tmux select-pane -t $N:0.0
tmux attach -t $N
I found someone else's script for a multi-window session and modified it to my needs. It's one window with a big shell on top and two small panes underneath refreshing sensors
on the left, and top
on the right. You may notice it opens and closes a pane without using it; that's just to make the main pane bigger. Thought someone might get some use out of it.