Tmux scrolling though log?

I am trying to replace screen as my daily minecraft server viewer also in case of power failure of my guest pc, i can know that tmux is keeping the instance running. My issue is i cant seem to figure out how to scroll up past a few lines of the terminal. I cant seem to find any way with a google search to do this. Screen would keep entire history in the session.

Tmux by default only keeps a few screens of history. You can configure that to be larger.

Hit its control function. Default is Ctrl-B. Then press Page-Up to start going back in history. That works for me, anyway.


Thank you very much!

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I’ll just leave this here…

Would that be saved as /home/username/.config/tmux.conf on the target machine?

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I do that but you need a symlink to ~/.tmux. The openbsd guys don’t seem to care about XDG paths.

And for the plugins you need tpm.

I have this in my .zshrc to install/update plugins silently in the background.

# install/update plugins in background
  ("${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins" &>/dev/null &)
  ("${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/update_plugins" 'all' &>/dev/null &)
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I’m not sure AEG would have changed his shell, let alone be familiar with dot files, Mr dotDotperioddot

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idk am i? Are you home mr. trooper?

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I’m just finishing work, then will be heading for /home

I got a surprise for you in the server.

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I just upgraded to a gigabit down and 40mb up. latency has gone down as well.

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