Hey Community!
Ive just switched to Ubuntu 12.04 on 2nd partition and i need advice on what should i get software wise, i have Chrome and PlayOnLinux already, what firewall should i get? and what other applications?
Thanks in advance!!
Hey Community!
Ive just switched to Ubuntu 12.04 on 2nd partition and i need advice on what should i get software wise, i have Chrome and PlayOnLinux already, what firewall should i get? and what other applications?
Thanks in advance!!
I don't know anything about Linux, but every time someone makes a post like this someone always says that Wine is a good application.
I would use Firestarter for the filewall. What type of things are you going to be doing on Ubuntu?
Obviously get Steam? lol
@vortex88 Playonlinux is a form of Wine, @thegentleman i have it, and @skullabyss ta for the recommendation and gaming, watching stuff on the internet like films also maybe some gfx editing like photoshop stuff, also is anti-malware needed yet? if so whats a good security app
Because Steam is currently available for Linux, right?
To the OP, a lot of the software you'd need is already included. Any advanced software you'd need, well, you'd already know about it if you really needed it.
I guess it depends on what you want to do with it. I've never found Linux to be useful for actually doing anything outside of technical things like networking and niche scenarios.
First, I'd say to switch to Zorin... It seems to be more stable than Ubuntu for me. Then, let me know what you are going to be using the computer for and we can recommend some applications... There are also others on here that use Linux more than I do, so they will have good suggestions... and Qain uses a Mac mostly these days but he still knows Linux... lol.
i have only just recently herd of that Zorin OS what is it like for gaming? trying to get steam ready for when the big release appears so i can get off windows, but need a few apps for image editing some security and the standard stuff linux users normally use
But thanks anyways!
For image editing on Linux use Gimp. http://www.gimp.org/
Some say Gimp falls short to Photoshop while others say it's just as good. But regardless, it's mostly likely you're best bet.
Thanks man ill try it!
Krothie your youtube dont work :( but i do thank you for the advice in the comment before! :)
Renamed the thread a bit to a more appropriate one.
No need for all caps lock, and if you only meant to contact Logan or Qain, they have E-mailadresses :)
Agreed, I like the UI of Zorin OS Much better. But for some reason on my end. Everytime I try to install any version of linux onto my Desktop PC, I don't get video. Linux hates my 6790
If you're looking for gaming on Ubuntu you should check out Desura. Its mostly indie games since anyone can upload a game onto their service, but every game on there will work on any distro of linux.