Tinfoil Hat Question....?

Well i am new to the forums, i have been a subscribed memeber of Razetheworld for a while now on Youtube and decided to join the forums, im not a big fan of joining many different forums or any at all, so i hope i have a good experience in this one as it seems only mature and well behaved people come around these parts of the web xD.

but jokes and introductions aside, i have a question that i have been trying to figure out and still am, but i hoped to get some good input on this from people who know about it and maybe even logan, (hope i place this on the right placed ).

My questions is for example, if i wanted a completely secure and safe way to use my computer and browse the web and do what ever ( browse the web, watch Youtube, Stream movies, Watch 1080p, code ( C++,Python,PHP,SQL,HTML,CSS,Javascript) , people recomend using proxy's? encrypted emails? a good anti virus maybe? and so on, but i have somethign else in mind.

what if i wanted to build my own pc ( like many do for pc gaming ), but use something like linux for a safer user experience without NSA or Facebook or any other tracking companies behind me all day and abusing their power, what if lets say for example, i built my own OS? maybe build it on top of an existing kernel? or just go all out and build one from scratch? would that help at all with lockign down my information and maybe others that might use this "safe OS"?.

yes i know im in the hardware topics, so here it is, i heard or seen that sometimes other countries or companies may put bugs or malware into the hardware they make and produce for the regular consumer, so they can spy on you and so on, how can we know if they are doing this with what we purchase? would this mean that even if someone built the most safest OS, it would mean nothign cause the hardware is buged?

how can we test this out with our components we have in our pc? would it be better to just build one? like the actual parts? something along the lines of the Raspberry Pi or the Beaglebone Black? ( and the hardware doesnt need to be impresive, just somethign that can run Lightweight OS , or ubuntu or any linux distro ).

So my question made short is :

1.- whats the safest hardware to use?

2.-whats the safest OS?

3.-if there's none, how can we build one?


if anything of what i said doesnt make sense, please let me know and ill try to explain it better, this is just some curiousity i had in my head, since we are leaving the safe zone of privacy and everyone everywhere knows more about you then you, yourself.

Hardware doesn't really matter.

LFS is the safest OS, because you know everything in it.


A hardware back door isn't a topic I will cover, so lets assume that there isn't one. when you connect to the web there are protocalles that id your ip adress when you go to google the pc sends its ip adress to google so google can send the information you request. and with the physical infustructure of the web there isn't much avalable to protect your self.

inorder to "hide" your ip adress you can use a proxy but the information sent between the proxy and your self isn't envrypted and is subjuct to discovery.

so the next evolution is a VPN. a vpn works like a proxy but unlike the former you can encrypt the data sent from the vpn to your pc. the websites you go to while connected to the vpn can be traced back to the vpn server and with out legal action ie court orders your safe. however you have to read the usage agreement with the proxy you sign up with and also know that the physical location of a server is important. if a server is in the USA then that conection is subjuect to us laws. if the componly is a US company they are subject to US law no mater what nation the server you connect to is in. 

If you feel you need more privacy than a vpn you can try a few more things but for every thing legal a vpn should be fine.

no mater if you have a vpn or not you should look at getting the folowing plugins for firefox.




also on option for hiding your activity is the now web bowser from piratebay but you should have a flash blocker and java blocker (the browser is build off of fire fox)