Timestamp modified files only

My current script below timestamps all files. However, I want to modify it so it only timestamps modified files. Any help?




#rsync incremental backup
rsync -av /home/bpacheco/Working/ /home/bpacheco/Archive

#rename all files with timestamps
cd $destination
for f in *; do mv -- "$f" "$f-$(stat -c %m "$f" | date +%m-%d-%y-%r)"; done

#notify the user that all files have been timestamped
echo "Successfully timestamped all files"

Maybe with the "touch" command see link:

8 Pratical Examples of Linux “Touch” Command

I can think of a couple ways to do that.

rsync -ab --suffix=-$(date +%m-%d-%y-%r) /source/dir/ /target/dir/


cp -pru --suffix=-$(date +%m-%d-%y-%r) /source/dir/* /target/dir/

With ether of those the most up to date version wont have a timestamp, but you'll get timestamps on the backup copies. If you don't want an incremental backup and just want one copy of each file with a timestamp, but only change the timestamp when the file is changed in the source directory. Then I would have to think about it.

I was using this as a sort of primitive way of doing version control. If rsync copies over only files that have changed then I'd want a way of identifying all those changed files and timestamping them. Timestamps would allow me to keep multiple copies of the file which would allow me to both 1) keep track of versions and 2) retain "shadow copies" of the file if I screwed it up.

Since then I've just decided to finally forgo the hipster status and go with Subversion, with something like RapidSVN. Thanks for the help though!