Time to Upgrade

Im upgrading my whole system and I can't decide on a motherboard.  Im going all out, At the most $200s.

Im getting an AMD cpu, wheter it be the 8350 or the new one that's coming out.  

I want full-size, plenty of features.  Much appreciated.

Best motherboard for the 8350 at that budget is the Crosshiar V Formula-Z.

No 9350 or 9370 support yet :T

i would go with a FX8350, because those new AMD 9xxxx series cpu´s are not more then just higher clocked FX8350´s.

about motherboards:

  1. Asus crosshair V Formula Z
  2. Asus Sabertooth Gen 3 (if you can find one)
  3. Asus Sabertooth 990Fx R2.0
  4. Asrock 990FX Extreme 9.

grtz Angel ☺

What is the difference between the Gen 3 and the 990Fx?

They're both 990FX, one is just R3, and the other is R2; design changes, and minor tweaks.

I think I'll go with the 990fx then.  Thanks for the help.

the sabertooth GEN 3 has pci-E 3.0 support.

the Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 has pci-e 2.0 for the rest they are the same in therms of feutures.