Time to upgrade, care to help?

So, i've got a about $350 to spend and i can be flexible around that amount of money but first i'll list my current system. I really appreciate any help from any of the great people on this forum.

Current pc specs:

- i5 3350p

- Asrock z75 pro 3

- 8gb of 1600 mhz

- Corsair cx430

- Phantom 410 case

- Seagate 1 tb HDD

- Galaxy GC Gtx 660

Those are my current parts. I'm running 3 1080p monitors and the current system just can't keep up with my multitasking while gaming. From you wonderful people i'd just like to know where my money would be best spent on upgrading the system.

How much RAM do you have?

8gb with 2 spare slots on the motherboard

8GB is probably fine. Get a more powerful PSU and a new GPU. 

What GPU?

Grab a Corsair CX500 and a GTX 770. Should be able to find that combo for around $355. PNY I believe has a nice GTX 770 on sale right now. 


And the i5 won't bottleneck that gpu?

an ivy bridge i5 won't bottleneck any GPU on the market for a long time...

Is the 500w psu necessary? the pny 770 says it only uses 230W-Active. And my i5 3350p being without the igpu and using much less power than any other i5, wouldn't the 430w be enough?

With PSUs more is always less. Even if 430w is theoretically enough, you don't want your psu running at 100% all the time for obvious reasons. So by buying a slightly more expensive 500w PSU you are saving yourself a from a headache and saving money.

- cheers

Alright, sounds good. 

the general theory is add up your wattage and add 100-150w depending if you're overclocking (specifically on what you're overclocking)... that'll give you the overhead you need for minor upgrades like adding HDD/SSDs and overclock wattage...

PSUs run at better efficiency between 50-80% load... also a lot quieter...

I personally have a corsair cx600watt PSU for my system that uses less than 400watts... It leaves me with plenty of extra power for more hard drives, more fans, or even a second GPU. Only thing I dislike about it is it being not modular what-so-ever. But it is really quiet (basically silent) and around$70 (from what I remember paying). 

Plus I believe the CX430 only has one PCIE 6+2 pin connector. The 770 requires one 6 and one 6+2 pin power connector. While you could use molex adapters they look unsightly and take up more room in the case. The CX500 has two 6+2 pin connectors which takes care of that problem. 

a Bottleneck is not as common OR as problematic as you think.  A BOTTLENECk is something like a low end I3 with a GTX-760

this will explain better.
