Time to Upgrade 7950?

Hey guys, now that the holidays are here I'm getting the itch to spend money on PC upgrades in the upcoming sales. Currently I have a single Sapphire 7950 Boost 3GB... are there any viable upgrades (been thinking a GTX 970)? I've also been thinking of upgrading my 600W PSU and picking up another 7950 for crossfire since the prices have tanked the last few months. Any recommendations?

if you want to heave crossfire the  7950 will be good for  another 2 years with 3GB

AMD  r9 290 is close to the 970 at 1080p for  about 70-90 usd less and the PSU will be enough


gtx 970, why not if you want nvidia , this is the card to get 


I have a 7950 myself and I would wait for the 300 series next year or do crossfire if you need more performance now 

I second this. 

The 300 series are supposed to be faster than the 900 series nVidia cards for around the same price, if not less, and may have better power consumption. They are really interesting so I'd wait. 

CrossFire/SLI usually isn't worth the hassle and i wouldn't recommend it unless you already reached the top tier GPU and need more power ie you have a GTX 980 and still need more speed

Another 7950 user here. I'm waiting until the 300 series and next summer. The 7950 has a good couple years left in it even now.

Definitely wait until the 300 series. The 380x performs better than the 980 according to the leaks....... also lower power use. Definitely wait.