Time for a new phone

Basically, my HTC Amaze 4G is pretty broken. Its been a year, and I want a new phone. I've been looking at a phone with a long battery (since im a heavy user) and Ive had my eye on the Moto X. I would get the Nexus 5 but the battery life isnt good enough. My problem is, I live in Canada, and http://www.motorola.com/us/FLEXR1-1/Moto-X/FLEXR1.html doesnt really give a Canada carrier option. Im stuck. I really want the phone and to design my own, but my carrier is Wind Mobile (because I love them so far) and their not there. Should I choose one of the U.S carriers and hope it will work with Wind Mobiles network, or just get the Nexus 5 with its bad battery life. Please help. 

Pretty sure rogers, telus, bell even bestbuy and futuureshop sell the moto x. Not sure about motomaker though.


Also if you're buying on-contract, the xperia z1 has great battery life. I own one on the bell network and get 2 days easy out of the battery.

You could keep your phone and install a new rom. (a new android without shitware etc.)

@ROK I was looking at best buy and future shop for the phone. Seems like the only sell it on contract with the companies I despise.and I'm not a big fan of Sony's sorta version of android from what I've seen so far. Are there any other phones that you know of that have good battery life's for $400 and less off contract, that will work with Wind Mobile s radio frequencies? I'm not really willing to switch because I love unlimited plans for so cheap. 

@Giant can't really install a new ROM... Phones basically broken. None of the bottom screen buttons work and the volume rocker barely works. 

To be completely honest, Sony's version of android is pretty plain. They only install like 6 extra apps over the stock android and include some neat features like tracking and themes. But the phone is damn expensive (I paid 400$ outright and have a 40$/mo. plan for 2y). You make me pretty jealous with you having wind mobile in your region, i'm on the east coast and all we've got is bell, rogers/fido and telus/koodoo :P


For >400$ off-contract your options for high-end phone are pretty limited: It's pretty much nexus 5 or moto x on sale. There is, of course, the moto g if you're feeling cheap.

Well, I was just watching videos of the Sony Xperia ZL. The IR blaster caught my attention, and the 1080 screen. And the battery. I think I might get it. Only thing I dont like, is its out dated processor. Other than that, I seem to like how the Sony Xperia ZL is. And yeah, im not planning to go for a cheap Moto G. I was also wrong about how its o.s. was like. Thought it was VERY different. Do you know of any other phones which have long battery life other than that (since I want more than 1 option). 

Edit: I just saw a video which said the ZL and nexus 5 have about the same battery life of 2 hours... D:

Linus over on Linus tech tips has been using a Nexus 5 recently. He said he found the battery wasn't as bad as everyone was saying. However, he mentioned that he uses the pebble a lot to view incoming messages etc. so he's not turning the phone screen on as often.

Considering how powerful modern smartphones are and what they are capable of, I'm not surprised most have fairly short battery life. They are essentially mini computers in your pocket. 

I have the Nexus 4 (absolutely LOVE it), use it quite a bit and still squeeze 2 days out of a charge. Keep the screen off, wifi off and bluetooth off as much as possible. Even still I usually have wifi on all day and it's not that bad.

The only newish phones with above average battery life at all are 

Moto X


Xperia Z1

Sorry but that's the only new phones with better than standard (HTC One, Galaxy S4, ect...) battery that are new enough to be comparable for an upgrade.

Maybe find a U.S. carrier branded phone with the same network bands so it will work with your carrier and buy it off ebay.

I'm in the market too in the very near future. I've got a 9" wingspan so I'm thinking the big nexus (Coming from an iphone 5). But, I'm also in the market for a tablet for the family, so is the 7" too close to a big phone to warrant it or should I skip the middle and go 10"?<br><br>

I work from home, how important is battery lify to you? How much of a beating are you giving the battery on a regular basis? Are you out in the woods, or watching video all the time? Do you travel a lot?

By the way I am going to buy a phone from asia. Seems like to me it is the same producer who is making money on his own. I've just been writing "dual core smartphone" on ebay and got this (it has the freakin mali 400 GPU, the gpu in the galaxy s3)

S20 GT-H9503

Or a phone made in france; the cheapes quad core smartphone I know of: Winko cink peax 2 (has the gpu of the s4, lol)


Edit: OMG. Look at this:


Edit: but the w450 has only 2 point multi touch, so there is that...


Edit: but not this one ;)


(yep, more fingerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs. but only 16gb extandable storage :( )

I have the HTC One converted to Google Edition and I like it. Great screen and solid design but like others have said, battery life ain't fantastic (though not worse than the competition). It's a solid option even with stock Sense especially if you can find it on the cheap.

redacted, if I remember correctly, Wind uses the same bands as T-Mobile. So, if you go the unlocked US phones route, they'll be your only option (the 1700MHz/2100MHz AWS bands are your limiting factor). I recommend the GS4 with whatever rom of your choice (mainly for microSD support), or a Nexus 5 w/ 32GB if you are afraid of flashing (and it's much cheaper than the GS4).

Note 3! It's the best phone I've ever had, and I've had quite a few. Big beautiful screen, long battery life, the fact that you can swap out batteries, SD card support (rocking a 64 gig card), 3 gigs of RAM, that beastly Snapdragon 800, easy to root, unlock, and flash custom ROMs. Granted, it is a 2-handed phone, unless you have really huge hands. But I've actually gotten used to the size withing a few days. The size is manageable. Was definitely a step-up from my Nexus 4. Though, the colors do look better on the Nexus. Note 3 does have an option to adjust the overall tone of the colors, so that they're not as saturated.

From all the research I did before buying one, the US T-Mobile's version rocks most Canadian and international bands than any other version. That's what I have but I'm on AT&T. Works perfect. 4G and all. I did root and carrier/region unlocked it before using it as a daily driver. Though after a day all of those T-Mobile shitware apps and some Touchwiz apps were getting on my nerves and had to go - flashed a custom ROM - DarthStalker 4.0, and all is good now. Bought it brand new on Craigslist for $560 - definitely a great price for phone that still costs ~$800 in the stores.

If the Note's too big, I think the Galaxy S4 is still a great phone. The new Nexus while cheap, has limited storage, non-removable battery (and not even a long-lasting battery according to the reviews I've read), and a godawfully shitty camera. Aside from Android 4.4, it has nothing over the GS4, the Note 3, or HTC One

The new Nexus while cheap, has limited storage, non-removable battery (and not even a long-lasting battery according to the reviews I've read), and a godawfully shitty camera. Aside from Android 4.4, it has nothing over the GS4, the Note 3, or HTC One

You said it yourself - the Nexus 5 beats the others in price, and for that price, you get a badass of a phone.

Nexus 5 owner here and I don't think you could get anything better for the price. The update to 4.4.1 has apparently solved a lot of people's problems with the camera too and I haven't ran out of juice yet but I do charge it just before setting the alarm and going to sleep. I like that routine though.

i would wait for CES.

I don't think that if you like Samsung or iPhone but i recommend you to choose Samsung or iPhone cause they have a good battery life and in Finland they are giving a iPhone service and Samsung service or what they called Samsung huolto which they are always their to give the customer service that you are looking for in case you have a problem with those mobile brand.

Check out the LG G2. It's still a touch expensive at $149, but it is the largest screen at 5.2" that you can get in that form factor (it being ever so slightly smaller than the Nexus 5) a fantastically powerful Snapdragon 800 processor, a beautiful 1080p IPS panel, 32 GB of internal storage, a stonking huge battery and a 13 megapixel camera. Now, you have to get used to a rather peculiar button placement (on the back beneath the camera) but it works out surprisingly well and is by far one of the most under-sung phones of the current market. It is also available with your preferred carrier, and the price that I quoted is through them.

I'm a Nexus 5 user and I don't find the battery life to be exceptional but it isn't horrible either.  I'm sitting at 81% right now and it's been off the charger for 9 1/2 hours with about an hour of screen on time.  This isn't a typical day because I'm snowed in and there isn't much going on.  

Normally when I get home from work it's at around 50%.  In comparison my Nexus 4 was usually around 25%. I don't bother turning the radios off at work and I get absolutely no reception there.  So, essentially what I'm saying is your mileage may vary.  I'd say try it and return it if it isn't working out for you.

Woah this is still getting attention. Didn't expect it too. O.O Anyways, what I ended up getting was the nexus 5 because I didn't want no phone contrant at all. So far it lasts me until around 7-8pm (wake up st 7:30) and that's what I consider a full day. My average on screen time is around 3.5 hours, but I've been able to push the phones screen time to above 4 hours. Thanks for everyone recommending phones :3