TIL: You can apply Network Wide YouTube Restricted Mode to censor YouTube on your network instead of block it

Maybe you have a network with innocent kiddies looking up Fortnite videos and some of the YouTubers swear a lot…

No more worries, cause you can censor all that stuff out NETWORK WIDE:

https://support.google.com/a/answer/6214622?hl=en (original source is privileged info, requires sign in to GSuite)

You can do it via DNS changes to make “www [dot] youtube [dot] com” instead be “restricted [dot] youtube [dot] com”:

Configure Domain Name System (DNS) on your network to add a Canonical Name (CNAME) for the following hostnames:
For Strict Restricted YouTube access, add restrictDOTyoutubeDOTcom as a CNAME for these domains. For Moderate Restricted YouTube access, add restrictmoderateDOTyoutubeDOTcom as a CNAME for these domains.

Or HTTP header modification. But it looks like the DNS redirection is more common.


Yay, censorship! Little Billy is now safe! (so long as he doesn’t have access to a unrestricted network)

(BTW, this is how the MS store bans videos with swearing, for the kiddies.)


Umm my netgear router has keyword filter in it
Add bad words you want filtered
Add listener to listen for same words in audio streams(child process taking audio to translator for conversion to text)/closed caption streams and either mute/bleep words
Picture where you need real horsepower for filtering content
Note add css element of comment box to be filtered as well
*youtube.com/*css element as seen in viewpagesource info of webpage
Also doesnt windows and linux both have parental control features under web browsers?
Ie8/9/10 did for sure
Mozilla has had before too(havent used in a while)
Otherwise neat apis to play with and tune

ADDS fam :sweat_smile: