Hey all, I am about to change jobs, and I’m moving from a ticket system to a non ticketed system. I used to not use one at my even older job, but I left things slip between the cracks all the time. I think I just work better in a ticket system.
I am looking for a program or platform that I can use just for myself to create and manage ticket/tasks so I can track my work more easily.
I am hoping the community has some suggestions for me to use
spiceworks is what I use at work, lots of capabilities, it looks “for some” intimidating but once you get a hang of it. It’s second nature. Plus all of the plugins and customization options you can have to help make it your own system.
There’s a bunch of opensource ones like Taiga and there’s Taskboard that’s pretty minimalistic and easy to run, but could use some improvements around auth/sso.