Threadripper Pro 7000 series RAM kits for DIY ers

I have my CPU and am waiting for the motherboards to come out, but in the mean time, I’m not finding any listed-as-qualified 8-stick RAM kits for the wrx90 platform. I want 256GB, 8x32GB sticks, can someone point me in the right direction, or at least point me somewhere I can watch over time?

I tried looking on AMD’s website and other usual websites, but no luck.

Of you got to ASUS site there is QVL for what you need. e.g.

Kingston KF556R36RBK8-256
Kingston KF548R36RBK8-256

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Thank you. I couldn’t find it. Would you mind sharing that link?

This is probably it: Pro WS WRX90E-SAGE SE|Motherboards|ASUS Global


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