Ok, so I'm going to be making the big switch to Linux this weekend, but I'm still trying to settle on which distro to use. The two that have been recommended to me are Debian, and Ubuntu. If I recall correctly (it's been a while since I was on the Tek Linux YT channel as there hasn't been new content on there) Logan is using Debian. My retired dad has suggested debian or ubuntu as a starting point in his opinion as a former software engineer and I've also been looking into Zorin (based on the Ubuntu distro) as it apparently has a very windows-esque GUI which appeals to me (being a first time linux adopter).
My question is simply this... Has anyone here on the forums had a play with Zorin, and if so, would you recommend it over the other two recommendations? Reasons for your choice would be useful as well so that I can better understand what to expect. Replies like "get X because Y is garbage" don't really help anyone, although I don't expect much, if any of that from the Tek Syndicate community - I'd like to think you folks are above that :)
I don't check the forums every day but I'll do my level best to reply to any constructive and topic appropriate posts in the thread.
Thanks in advance for your assistance folks.