Thoughts on the State of Youtubes Gaming Community

My latest thoughts and discussion about the saturation of content on the youtubes

Only one suggestion to improve your commentary:

Ease up on "like" ><


A little slow to the main points of the commentary but overall the video was very good


Also, you might enjoy theRadBrad's game commentaries. Although he doesn't usually do super popular games, the content is always quality and he actually cares about making his videos interesting and about his subscribers  :3

shall do sorry, jsut out of habit,

thanks for the critcism and info :)
I do play games thatt arent as popular, i play savage xr a bit, and a whole lot oof racing games, shall have a live stream up soon! but yer, my aim is to create interesting content because i ddo care about the gaming community and respect those who make original content and speak their honest opinion :D

Oops, sorry if that sounded as though I was saying you didn't care, I was just referring to the video when you said a lot of commentators don't


But, yes, I very much enjoyed that video and will start watching more from you  :3

, no it didnt come across liek that haha, thanks for the support :3


Mright. Way too heavy use of the word "like", you ought to cut down on that.

Also, you keep meandering off the subject, maybe write down what your main points are and go straight for them? As you said, there's a lot of fluff in videos nobody actually wants (iirc one of your criticisms), so why not try to avoid that yourself?

The intro ws way too over-blown, imo. I don't think people want to hear everything about who you are and what your credentials are and whether you are in a dungeon or wahtever and whether you know the other guy irl or not.. Just say "This is me, that's him, and today we'll speak about x". Keep it short. The people hooked on watching obscure LPs probably have a tolerance to this, but if you want to keep the interest of people who are not into wasting their time watching YT vids all day long, you should limit the stuff you say to the bare minimum, especially if it's not related to the subject of the video itself.

I am not sure I buy the whole idea of there being one Youtube gaming community. Aye, there's tons of channels of people playing games and talking about it, there's a few entertainment networks (gamestation, machinima, etc.), but calling that conglomerate a "community"? I don't know.. there's almost nothing that unifies them. Purely being on youtube should not count, as youtube is large enough to rank as an ecosystem rather than a site, imo - it'd be akin to saying "the facebook community" - but there really are so many people using it in so many different ways, the descriptor is devoid of inherent meaning. Might aswell cite "the internet community". Beyond the location, there's nothing unifying the people who make these videos - each is doing their own thing with their own audiences, standards, niches, production rates and quality, amount of commercialization etc. On the whole, a "youtube gaming community" is just about as meaningless a term as "youtube cat video community" - there's big channels, there's groups, there's individuals, and each is doing their own thing. There's no communal activity.


Final remark: not sure if I agree with your disposition towards commercialized channels. So what if machinima has adverts and earns big cashmoneys from their vids? They get to do their thing, and it's up to the audience to decide, each on their own, if that content is good enough to spend time on or not. Calling others to boycott something... Idk. I feel like that's overmuch. You can and should state that you don't watch their stuff, because of x y and z. But don't tell others to do that - let them decide on their own.

Oh, yes. One more thing. Please don't say "have you heard of x? you should go and watch their videos!!!". This again works to remove that part of the audience who aren't into wasting their days with endless YTvids. Mention a channel or two if you want, but also just briefly explain what you are talking about, because I sure as hell will not bother to watch something else just to get your point... And if your points rely too much on such specific meta-knowledge (I mean, seriously? there are millions of YT channels, and you expect people to know specific ones? That's an extremely long shot), I'll just stop watching your video as well (Honestly, I would have if I weren't going into this as a feedback-providing aid). Cater not only to the followers/subscribers you regularly have, but think about outsiders/newcomers too.

wow, Did you think too hard? its jsut a personal opinion lol. you took this further than it ever should have gone haha. Thanks for the feedback, but i dont know whether you are expecting some kind of intellectual challenge back, cause i didnt see this being worth your time or mine for that fact. Do I sense a little bit of intellectual insecurity??

Um, what? No, no challenge or anything like that. Just plain old feedback plus some talking points.

(side-question: why would you assume that this is a "challenge"? that's not how commenting on articles works.. imo.)

Feedback is good.  It lets you know what people think of your videos so you can better improve on future ones for you audience.  I have actually been watching a few videos on you channel and in the comments you do not seem to take criticism very well there either.  That's called being "thin skinned" and it's not a good thing if you don't try to work on it.


The Bad

In your "video substance l Thoughts and discussion l" you said people should stop making short two minute videos with no substance that can be uploaded every hour of a day and should have longer videos with more substance at a slower upload rate while you uploaded "KID TSUNAMI l cookin in my office l" that just inflate your views.

That was an awkward moment in "RANT:45 l MW3 l" when you we said you were looking forward towards Black Ops 2 after you were quite emotionally ranting about it for almost two minutes.

Also, in "DIABLO 3 VS TORCHLIGHT 2 l Discussion l" you seemed to take sides in the beginning but halfway through it felt more of a balanced discussion.  I have a feeling viewers who preferred Torchilight 2 had already disliked the video before then, though.  And if you were trying to be fair, why did you not even read up on Torchlight 2's story?  You said you thought Diablo 3's story was good except for the ending and saying that the critics were wrong about it.


The Ugly

In "Xsplit l Talkin smack about Xsplit l" the end of the video went on about thirty second without you saying a word.  Should have just cut the video sooner and maybe mention that that's the end of the video.

Why did you leave the first 40 seconds in in "RANT:45 Jankoskians l Leave the internet l We dont like you l".  Should have started the session over again.

I recommend organizing your thoughts before making a video instead of just making up your arguments on the fly.  Maybe even practice a substance filled video so your final product is a bit more finished.

Your "Thoughts and Discussion" playlist is a bit odd.  Some of the videos titles say "thought and discussion" at the end, which is weird and should be in the beginning if it's part of a series, and you also have videos titled "RANT:45".  Why not put those in a RANT:45 playlist?

And please do not harass people in your comments: "lol.... cunt, I am entitled too my opinion and so are you, you're a cunt" and "and you play diablo 3? stfu scrub" - EyefinityGamers from the "DIABLO 3 VS TORCHLIGHT 2 l Discussion l".  You set that video up for those kinds of comments so don't respond so harshly to them.


The Good

Don't get me wrong, you have something here though.  Your strong point is showing games in eyefinity.  Please, turn the camera a little more towards your three screen setup instead of you in the middle and having the left side of the videos just showing the wall and your mic, at least, if you have something moving on your screen.  One video I have seen could have benefitted greatly from it.

Your discussion videos are actually pretty good.  I have not yet seen many of the gameplay with commentary videos but I'll check them out too.

As for now, I shall stay subscribed, so keep on doing what you do.

Thanks man, I appreciate the feedback :)

You're welcome.  I try to helpful where I can and it wasn't too much trouble  =)