Thoughts on the amd fx 6300

so what are your guyses thoughts on the amd fx 6300 in terms of gaming? (just bought one :D)

Its amazing. You can overclock the fuck out of it. For the money, its up there. I have a 6200 and a 4100. Bulldozer (Zambezi) gets a bad rep. but they've lowered in price so much, there great. And your CPU (Piledriver/Vishera) has about a 15% improvement over bulldozer. Good purchase man, OC that shit.

That's a nice chip, but I would say to really feel that it's a good purchase, you should overclock it with a good powersupply and a decent motherboard.

Excellent CPU

i have mine at 4.5ghz stable, but ive taken it up to 5.2ghz stable but lowered it due to heat and diminishing returns

I have an 1100T, would you say you say any better performance in games when you went to 5.2?

if your just gonna play games and cant afford the 8350, then get a phenom 2 960t. there are much less issues with single and dual threaded perfomance.

much less chance of bottlenecking when paired with a decent gaming card and they over clock well.

i see posts every day on other sites asking why there systm is choking on this and that AAA title and all they have in common is the FX bulldozer or piledriver.

no kidding there are a lot of guys wishing they hadnt upgraded, if you can call it that from the phenom 960 turbans.


So, I am about to buy an AMD FX-6300. Now I don´t intend to overclock it at all but I do want to use a custom cooler since I´ve heard that the stock coolers don´t do well.

Which one would you recommend. Again, I don´t want to overclock. Just want to keep temps low. Over here during summer time it can get up to 36 °C in that room. So, any recommendations?

Well buy a case that can accept alot of coolers, get a water cooler for your CPU... If possible isolate your room and get a good air condition.. xD

Planning on getting it. The 6100 is in my friends build and he loves it. I plan on gaming, multitasking, and doing a little bit of editing on my pc. I'm going with the 6300 so that I can OC it and then just basically be set for a few years.