So Far i belive SWTOR is Awesome for a F2P game. Since launch, the servers are either Full of Heavily populated. This is a good sign for Bioware, LucasArts and who ever helped in. I like it really much, although some things are not working on the website like, the character server transfer. The guys are tying to keep up with this. They are doing a good job but i can tell that they did not prepare for this. Not one bit. It does suck that you have to pay for things with cartel points or be a preimium player, but this doesnt interfer with the game so far. Over all they did a good job and its a game worth trying.
Scratch that.. After you leave Dromon Kass (Beginner World) Ehhh being a subscriber plays a role in this game. Alot of things are blocked when when you are not a subscriber. This is kinda getting anyoing.
I was pretty heavy into SWTOR back when it first came out, and a little over the summer. I quit playing when the F2P news broke and the Cartel Coins, or whatever, were announed because I -naturally- picked Guild Wars 2 up. I kind of figured that the F2P feature would be relatively tacked-on implementation, like we saw in WoW. Like I said, I quit playing SWTOR during the summer so I know pretty much nothing about the new features, but it sounds like being a F2P player is more like having a glorified trial account in any other mmo. However, I could be way off-base about the whole thing. Either way this is likely to drag in new players and subscribers at the end of the day, which is exactly what the SWTOR community needs. Plus there is a new playable race. However.. Bioware decided to go with cat people instead of Nautolans. That is something that I will literally never understand.